One of my favourite poems by a little known Sussex poet.
Sussex Dales and Deans There’s an old world charm in Sussex, wherever we may go, Which lends a strength and quietness as we journey to and fro ; The winds which sweep its Downlands, which blow through dale and dean Send far and wide our restlessness and leave the mind serene. There are dales and deans in Sussex, and charming little towns, – There are Hursts, and Folds, and Havens – all sheltered by the Downs ; There are shingled spires, and hamlets, and many pleasant things, Which bind the heart to Sussex, to which our being clings. There are sheltered lanes and copses which cover many miles, There are timbered cots and homesteads, all warm with slabs and tiles, – There are walks on sand and seashore, beside the silver sea ; These are thy charms, O Sussex, which bind our hearts to thee. There are barns well filled with storage, and fields well tilled with care, Great timber stacks for Winter’s fuel, and plenty everywhere ; While lichened walls of tile and flint encircle deep content ; To live – to die on Sussex ground, each purpose strong is bent. Oh ! for the charms of Sussex, the land of Down and Weald ; Oh ! for the freedom of the hills, its wealth of wood and field ; Its laden breezes carry health, to all who seek its store – O Sussex, land of charm and health, we love thee more and more. Reproduced from ‘The Sussex Weald and Other Poems’ by Reverend Albert J Treloar, B.D. published by The City Press, 35 Sheep Street, Northampton in 1938
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